速報APP / 遊戲 / Kitty Revolution

Kitty Revolution





版本需求:Android 1.6 以上版本


Kitty Revolution(圖1)-速報App

Our game helps elementary school and middle school students practice math skills while helping the Kitties take back Kansas from the treacherous Ghost Pepper Geese.

Kitty Revolution(圖2)-速報App

Players help the kitties scratch and hairball-throw their way through the end of level, hiding in houses when the hordes of geese become too overwhelming. Unfortunately, these houses are home to geese math sympathizers that force you to do math problems in exchange for protection.

There are two levels: basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division for elementary schoolers and pre-algebra for middle schoolers. The longer you stay in the house for protection, the more difficult and quicker the math questions become. After defeating the geese, the player must defeat Mother Goose to take back Kansas.

Come join the Kitty Revolution!